Is the “赤いきつね” commercial sexually explicit?

The commercial for a product called “赤いきつね” was criticized by women on the grounds that it was sexual.

One other animation director tweeted.

From a production point of view, meal scenes have a high affinity (or rather, a complete connection) with sexual depictions, and I think this is one of the reasons why many people are disgusted by them this time. If you put a sex-appeal symbol on a meal scene, the effect will increase several times, and women are more sensitive to communication at a meal place.

There is currently an ongoing discussion on the social networking site X, and this topic is likely to continue for some time.

An inflammatory ad that has been criticized for its representation of women. The reason for the flames is below.

●unrealistic female representation

●difference in cheek redness from the male version

●i.e., ads with a male gaze

In the first place, anime culture has a strong sexualized view of women, and this is a time when companies must manage risk when using anime in their advertisements.

Personally, I find this criticism a bit odd.

I rewrote the Japanese article in part and used a translation tool.